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Welcome to the Public Defender's Office

The Public Defender's Office is charged with the responsibility to represent individuals who are charged with a crime and cannot afford an attorney. Services of the office are paid for by the taxpayers of Monroe County, and eligibility for representation is based upon the gross income level of the applicant, applying the Federal Poverty Guidelines, similar to the application process for other public service programs.

It does not, however, represent individuals charged with Federal offenses, only crimes against the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. 


Contact Information

Monroe County SealMonroe County Seal

Office Location

701 Main Street 
3rd Floor/Suite 301 
Stroudsburg, PA 18360

Phone: (570) 517-3042     Fax: (570) 517-3871

Hours: 8:30 am to 4:00 pm 
Monday-Friday     Closed all major holidays

Chief Appellate/Motions Writer

Eric Closs, Esq.


Dina Welliver Schneck


John P. Kowalczyk
Don Motts

Our Services

Call of the List/Guilty Plea/ARD

At the time of the preliminary hearing, your case will be placed in one of three tracks: (1) ARD if it appears you may qualify; (2) Guilty Plea if you agree to the proposed resolution of your case at this point; or (3) Status Conference if no resolution is reached at that time.

Criminal Procedures

Unless dismissed at your preliminary hearing, the charges against you are now going into the Monroe County Court of Commons Pleas. 


ARD Special Aspects in Driving Under the Influence (DUI) Cases.


ARD stands for Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition. It is a program for first time offenders charged with relatively minor crimes. 

Sentencing Guidelines

The sentencing guidelines list a range of the minimum number of months in jail or prison a defendant should normally receive.