Welcome to the Correctional Facility
The mission of the Monroe County Correctional Facility is incarceration of person(s) adjudicated as offenders or suspected of being offenders of the law.
The intent of such incarceration is to; protect society by providing incarceration as an appropriate deterrent to the commission of crime; insure that person(s) on a pre-trial status appear in court; provide a safe and secure environment for offender and staff; offer programs for positive personal growth and positive reintegration into the community upon their release; insure that basic physical and medical health needs are attended to; protect the basic constitutional rights of the offender(s).
Contact Information

Monroe County
Correctional Facility
4250 Manor Drive
Stroudsburg, PA 18360
Phone: (570) 992-3232
Main Fax: (570) 402-2921
Intake Fax: (570) 992-6258
Inmate Phone Service:
Securus: (800) 844-6591
Business Hours:
8:00 am to 4:00 pm, Monday-Friday
Money Drop Off: 8:00 am to 3:30 pm
Closed all major holidays
Correction Facility Badge