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Bingo Licenses

Any "eligible organization" can conduct bingo games for the purpose of raising funds for the promotion or "public interest purposes". 

Nonprofit organizations which have existed and conducted business in furtherance of their constitution, charter, articles of incorporation and by-laws for two years can complete an application in person at the Treasurer's Office. 

Senior citizen groups can complete an application immediately upon being organized. 

Qualified applicants are limited to one game site for a period of one year, which shall be the township or borough where the main business office is located.  

To purchase a bingo license in person:

County Treasurer
Monroe County Administration Building
One Quaker Plaza Room 103
Stroudsburg PA 18360

Bingo Application & Fees

  • $ 100.00 - Non-profit Associations, including Agricultural Associations and County Fairs
  • $   50.00 - Senior Citizen's Groups who conduct bingo for members only
  • $   15.00 - Bingo conducted for not more then three consecutive days
  • $   Free  - Conducting bingo for entertainment purposes for community recognized non-profit organizations