Welcome to the Area Agency on Aging Office
Staffed by professionals in the field of aging and with the guidance of the Pennsylvania Department of Aging, the Monroe County Area Agency on Aging strives to improve the quality of life of Monroe County's older citizens through the coordination of existing services and development of essential programs.
The mission of the Area Agency on Aging is to strengthen family life, assist individuals in attaining or maintaining independence and self-care and protect adults in danger of neglect, abuse or exploitation.
Contact Information

Area Agency on Aging
724 Phillips Street Suite 102
Stroudsburg, PA 18360
Phone: (570) 420-3735
Fax: (570) 420-3734
Toll Free: 1-800-498-0330
Office Hours: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
Monday - Friday
Closed all major holidays
If you suspect Elder Abuse call 1-800-498-0330!
Please don't send an email to Area Agency on Aging.
Should you know of an older adult who is in need of essential nutrition or other essential services, please contact our office at 570-420-3735.
Special Interest

Plan changes can be made during open enrollment which takes place from Ocober 15 thru December 7.
Consumers can call Medicare directly at 1-800-MEDICARE (800-633-4227), TTY users can call 1-877-486-2048 or go online at https://www.medicare.gov/talk-to-someone to
start a live chat.
Important News

Serving Seniors is the contracted Ombudsman for Monroe County long-term care facilities.
The program offers free and confidential services to residents living in a longterm facility.
Ombudsman can assist with resident rights, quality of care, medication, privacy needs, etc.
Serving Seniors (570) 344-7190

Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Department of Agriculture
Senior Farmers' Market Nutrition Program
To qualify you must be 60 or older (or turn 60 by 12/31/2024) and meet the household income guidelines.
2024 Farmers' Market Application
2024 Farmers and Locations
Need a ride to a Farmers Market - Contact the Monroe County Transit Authority