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Advance Cost of Service

For service requiring deputization to another Pennsylvania County Sheriff's Office, please contact that County for their advance cost and include that in our deposit, as well as obtaining their service requirements.

If we are deputizing an out of state Sheriff's Office, please contact that County and provide us with their fee (included in our deposit), complete name, mailing address, and any other required forms. 

All fees should be made payable to The Sheriff of Monroe County. Our office will issue the deposit check to the other County. Any unused deposit money will be refunded to you when we make the Return of Service to the Prothonotary. Likewise, any additional monies due will be billed to you and must be paid before we make the Return of Service to the Prothonotary.

Please include a self-addressed stamped envelope for your return. In addition, we would appreciate if all service forms would be typed.

For additional service requirements, or if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact this office.