AmeriCorps/Seniors - Retired and Senior Volunteer Progam
AmeriCorps/Seniors taps the skills, talents and experience of volunteers over the age of 55 to meet a wide range of community challenges, through three programs:
Retired Senior and Volunteer Program (RSVP)
Participate in community projects, serving in areas that improve the Environment, Education, Economics, Disaster Recovery, Healthy Futures, Veteran and Military Families.
AmeriCorps/Seniors RSVP volunteers help non-profit organizations and government agencies reach capacity and serve citizens in need. AmeriCorps/Seniors RSVP volunteers receive no compensation, but may receive mileage reimbursement when budgets permit.
The Foster Grandparent Program (FGP)
Serve one-on-one as tutors and mentors to young people with special needs. FGP volunteers receive a monthly stipend.
Senior Companion Program (SCP)
Help frail seniors and other adults maintain independence primarily in the clients' own homes. AmeriCorps volunteers receive a monthly stipend.
Visit the local AmeriCorps/Seniors RSVP office at:
Retired Senior Volunteer Program
411 Main Street, Suite 102-B
Stroudsburg, PA 18360
(570) 420-3747