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Frequently Asked Questions

Yes. You have to obtain a Trailer Removal Permit from your local tax collector. Failure to do so carries a $100.00 fine.
Yes. You have to obtain a Trailer Removal Permit from your local tax collector. Failure to do so carries a $100.00 fine.
No. The taxes are collected by tax collectors who are elected every four years by voters within their municipalities.
When improvements are made to a property, a field assessor does a physical inspection of the site and takes outside measurements of the structure. Those measurements along with other features such as fireplaces, bathrooms, & heat type are entered into the computer in accordance with values established at the last county wide reassessment.
$25.00 for each residential parcel and $50.00 for each commercial parcel.
There are four: The county, municipal, library and school. Six muncipalities have a fire tax, one has a EMS tax. The county, municipal and library operate on a calendar year basis. The school along with Pleasant Valley library tax operates on a fiscal year basis, that is, July 1 through June 30th.
You must file an appeal form with the Board of Assessment Revision identifying the assessment you want to appeal, the property code number and the address you want the Board to send your notice to appear for a hearing.
In Pennsylvania land and buildings, or improvements attached to the land, are subject to taxation.
The burden of proof is on the property owner at an assessment appeal hearing. It is important that you provide the Board with pertinent documentation, such as appraisals, comparable sales of similar homes, cost of the construction, pictures or wetland and non-perk documentation.
A permit is required from the municipality to raze a building. You should notify the assessment office as soon as possible. An assessor will field check to verify the building is down and adjust the assessment for the next billing cycle.
For your comfort and resale value you may want to make substantial improvements to your home. The following are examples of improvements that will increase your property assessment:
1) creating additional living space, 2) renovating an unfinished basement or attic, 3) adding an extra bath, porch, deck or patio, 4) adding a garage, 5) outbuildings or shed 10ft by 10ft and larger and connected to any utilities, 6) complete modernization and conversion of a home.
The following are some normal maintenance and repair jobs you can do to your property without increasing your assessment: 1) painting outside or inside, 2) repairing and replacing existing masonry, 3) replacing plumbing and light fixtures, 4) landscaping, 5) replacing a roof, 6) new exterior siding (except stone and brick).
An assessment is a percentage of the market value of your property against which tax millage is applied. In Monroe County the assessment percentage (known as the pre-determined ratio) is 100%.
Millage is 1/1000th of a dollar. To derive your tax dollars you multiply your assessment by the millage. For example: if your assessment is 20,000 and the millage for your district is 80 (20,000 X .080 mills), then your tax bill is $1,600.
If you receive an Assessment Change Notice, you have 40 days from the date the notice was mailed to file an appeal. Otherwise, you can file an appeal on or before August 1st of any year for the following year.
The county, municipal, and library tax bill comes out on March 1st and that is for the calendar year Jan 1st thru December 31st; the school tax bill is mailed on August 1st and covers the fiscal tax year July1 through June 30th.
Please notify the assessment office with the new owner's name and address. A bill of sale or new title must be provided.
You should notify the Assessment Office in writing as soon as possible. This is important and should be done as soon as possible. According to Pennsylvania law, you are still responsible to pay your real estate taxes even if you do not receive your tax bill. The change of address notice must be signed by the property owner. 
Each taxing district sets its own millage rate every year after it determines how much money it needs to operate.