Welcome to the Prothonotary Office
The Prothonotary serves as the chief clerk of the Civil Division of the Court of Common Pleas and is responsible for recording all civil procedures before the court. It is the mission of this office to provide accurate recording of all civil documents and to improve, through innovation and technology, the art of record keeping. It is our continuing goal to operate the office in a cost-effective, accurate, and customer friendly manner while always keeping you, the taxpayers, in mind.
All records maintained in the Prothonotary office are available for public view unless sealed by the Court Order or by applicable law. Current filings are electronically scanned and made available for e-services public records search. Older documents are located in docket books. The Prothonotary is increasing electronic access to these documents through back scanning with the ultimate goal of having complete access to all civil documents via computer image.
Contact Information

Monroe County
610 Monroe Street, Suite 323
Stroudsburg, PA 18360
Phone: (570) 517-3370
Fax: (570) 517-3582
Hours: 8:30 am to 4:30 pm
Closed all major holidays